以廟宇為中心之社會的形成專輯 I
Special Issue on the Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society -
Part I
Introduction / John Lagerwey
The Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society / John Lagerwey
The Rise of a “Temple-Centric” Society in Putian in the Song and Later Transformations of the Ritual Sphere / Kenneth Dean and Zheng Zhenman
The Rise of Northern Chinese Regional Temple Cults: A Case Study of the Worship of King Tang / Barend J. ter Haar
隱形的無生老母:新加坡先天道宗教網絡與變遷 / 戚常卉
霹靂日系布袋戲:《Thunderbolt Fantasy東離劍遊紀》的演藝特質 / 吳明德